Viewing posts from February, 2016
Rwanda - Live the Journey's Flagship Journey

Considering all the rare and endangered animals on earth, the spectacular Mountain Gorilla must rank, possibly with the panda, as the ultimate symbol of just how fragile our planet has become. Once much more common than today, the world’s remaining population, not numbering more than 850 individuals, can be seem mainly in two safe locations; one in Bwindi National Park in Uganda, the other in the Virunga National Park in Rwanda. It is here that Live the Journey conducts, to my mind, one of its jewel tours.
Iceland – fifty shades of grey

“Picture yourself in a boat on a river
20 Fun Facts about Leap Years
1. Leap days are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the Sun. It takes the Earth approximately 365.242189 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds – to circle once around the Sun. This called a tropical year. Without an extra day on February 29 nearly every four years, we would lose almost six hours every year. After only 100 years, our calendar would be off by approximately 24 days.
9 Interesting Facts about Borneo

Borneo conjures images of exotic experiences in the mind of the traveler. Rainforests, orangutans … the Men of the Jungle, adventure and off-the-beaten-track treks. For the discerning traveler who has a passion for travel and is looking for something out of the ordinary, your expectations will be fulfilled. Be swamped by the jungle beauty, different cultural influences and tropical adventures.
Live the Journey by die KykNET Buite Ekspo

Dit is altyd vir ons heerlik om kliënte raak te loop, saam te kuier by funkies of lekker te gesels oor die telefoon. Live the Journey het onlangs uitgestal by die KykNet Buite Expo en dit het gevoel soos ‘n samekoms van ou vriende by ons stalletjie. Die atmosfeer het die gevoel van ‘n Namibwoestyntoer oorgedra … selfs die Kaapse wind het ‘n draai kom maak soos ‘n woestynwind. Die gidse van Live the Journey in Namibië het entoesiasties meegedoen en vuurgemaak, vleis op die kole gegooi en enige persoon wat in vertwyfeling was oor duinery oorgehaal om saam te toer deur die Namib. Een van Afrika se grootste avonturiers, Johan Badenhorst van Voetspore, het as gasspreker twee praatjies by die stalletjie aangebied. Mense was in vervoering oor sy ervaring as Live the Journey toerleier in die Namibwoestyn en Ysland. Al het jy Johan se praatjie gemis kan jy steed saam toer later in die jaar. Hy reis na: