Viewing posts for the category Wegry
Live the journey you always wanted to live
It is true that life is a journey, but how awesome is your journey going to be? How many times have you thought “oh, I wish I was there” while looking at a picture or a movie of one of those incredible bucket list destinations? The splendour of the Namib. The drama and contrast of active volcanoes - the fire and ice in Iceland. Wild Gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda. Watching lemurs in Madagascar. Ethiopia. Angola… Well, if you can wish it, you can do it.
Wegry - Faces of the Namib

Hierdie maand se weergawe van Wegry het 'n wonderlike artikel oor die Faces of the Namib 4x4 toer deur Chris van der Merwe. Ontdek die rede hoekom soveel mense nie genoeg kan kry van hierdie toer nie.