The latest news and updates from Live The Journey.
Tanzania's Northern Circuit - a must on your safari to-do list

We’ve asked Live the Journey consultant, Petro Human, what her favourite safari destination is and the answer came without hesitation: “It has to be Tanzania’s northern safari circuit.”
Jeanette shares her travel memories of Angola

I love travelling in Africa and, currently, my favourite destination is Angola. It is a country that took me completely by surprise. I did not expect the natural beauty we encountered or the serenity I experienced while touring this country. While Angola has a turbulent past, I was humbled by the beautiful culture of the people and the story that this country had to tell.
The Namib100 Hike - in a bucket-list league of its own

We've asked Live the Journey owner Jurgens Schoeman and his wife, Karien, to share some of their favourite travel memories of a recent trip to the Namib Desert.
Elsabeth shares her travel memories of India

When asked: “What is your favourite travel destination?” Someone once answered: “The last destination I visited”. This is also Head of the Outbound Department, Elsabeth Muller’s, sentiment after returning from INDIA recently.
What our guests say

We are grateful for all feedback received from our guests. Here is a selection from recently completed tours.