Viewing posts for the category Groen Reis
Live the Journey's Bucket List: Nature's Wonders
There are so many wonderful things in the world to experience and be a part of. You may have a bucket list of specific experiences that you want to do. We would like to share Live the Journey's bucket lists with you ... yes, we have more than one. Let us add to your list and help you tick them off one-by-one.
Live the Journey's Natural Wonders bucket list:
1. Sit surrounded by a gorilla family in the forests of Uganda or Rwanda.
2. Experience the masses of game and wildebeest during the migration in Tanzania and Kenya
3. Follow the trail of the last wilderness lions and elephants in the Kaokoland of Namibia.
4. Witness the evolution of nature in Madagascar ... plants, insects, reptiles and the environment.
5. Observe a herd of gelada baboons high in the Simien Mountains in Ethiopia.
Groen Reis - Dave in Ysland Ep 6

Dave sit sy reis deur Ysland voort, en staan op die vulkaan wat in 2010 uitgebars en groot ontwrigting in die lugweë van Europa veroorsaak het. Vir 'n video van hierdie uitbarsting kliek hier.
Groen Reis - Dave in Ysland Ep 5

Dave reis na Ysland, en verken die Suide van die besondere eiland - 'n eiland van sneeu, ys, warmwaterbronne, geysers en die poolvos.
Groen Reis - Dave in Uganda Ep 4

"Een van Dave se persoonlike hoogtepunte was om die Berg-gorillas in die Bwindi Ondeurdringbare Reënwoud (Impenetrable Forest) te voet te gaan kyk. Deel hierdie unieke ervaring saam met hom en sien ook ‘n groep vrugtevlermuise wat in ‘n oorhang en grot." Kliek hier vir die voorskou
Groen Reis - Dave in Uganda Ep 3

Uganda is baie meer as net dierelewe. Hierdie week besoek Dave Entebbe se Markte. Kliek hier vir die voorskou